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Maintaining Your Landscaping During Utah’s Harsh Summer Months

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Outdoor living spaces require maintenance year-round to flourish, but summertime is perhaps the most crucial time in which you need to pay attention to your landscape. During the summertime, you’re faced with pests, intense heat waves, and you also have to keep up with the weeds that will inevitably make their way into your lawn. If you’re not continually maintaining your lawn, you could see your beautiful landscape transform into a field of weeds and dead grass.

Here at Mellco, we know that maintenance is crucial to the integrity of an outdoor living space, which is why our Utah landscapers want to give you some tips on how you can maintain your landscaping during Utah’s harsh summer months.

Fertilize and Water Your Lawn

Your lawn needs to be adequately nourished if you expect it to survive this summer, and the only way to ensure this is by watering and fertilizing your lawn correctly. Utah landscapers are available if you have any questions on much you need to water and feed your lawn, as well as if you have any questions on which type of fertilizer best suits your landscape.

Perforate Your Soil

This is probably just as important as nourishing your lawn, yet few homeowners do this. Your lawn needs air just as much as it needs water and sunshine, so it’s crucial to perforate the soil to help alleviate compaction and allow water and the nutrients from the fertilizer to penetrate the soil below. Perforation isn’t a complicated process, and Utah landscapers will tell you that it’s as simple as pushing a garden fork into the ground.

Mow Your Lawn Properly

Mowing the lawn may sound as simple as just taking out your lawnmower and cutting the grass, but you have to make sure that your mower blades are kept sharp and at the right height. Dull blades can leave jagged-edged on your grass, and having your mower set too low can damage your lawn. Always make sure that you never take more than one-third of the height off your grass.

Take Care of Ant Pests 

Several pests can damage your lawn as well as any foliage and outdoor furniture you might own. If you start to see a pest infestation, hire professional exterminators to handle the issue or go to the store and buy bug spray. Utah landscapers recommend talking to a professional so that you don’t buy a product that will harm your lawn.

These are some of the most critical steps to take if you want to maintain your landscape correctly this summer. Contact the Utah landscapers here at Mellco if you have any questions or concerns.